Pre-employment Testing
For many employers, conducting pre-employment testing is a key pillar in their health and safety program. In order to have a complete picture and the reassurance that a new hire is physically able to work safely, the results of pre-employment testing are critical.
Lifemark offers a range of pre-employment testing in order to help employers and future employees move forward with confidence. From medical assessment to drug and alcohol testing to functional, ancillary and diagnostic testing, Lifemark’s professional team is able to provide employers with the information required to make hiring decisions.
Service Offerings
Whether an employer is looking for test results for a specific function or an overall assessment of health, Lifemark is able to provide what’s needed. Our pre-employment testing includes:

Based on an employer’s policies, Lifemark is able to provide Point of Collection Testing(POCT), Saliva Drug Testing and/or Lab-based Testing. Our staff are certified in Department of Transportation collection procedures and only use certified labs for sample testing, to ensure accurate results. Additionally, our Medical Review Officers(MRO) have been certified to read, interpret, and follow up on testing results in order to ensure legislative standards are followed, compliance is achieved, and that the proper chain of custody procedures are strictly observed.
Lifemark can coordinate alcohol testing in conjunction with pre-assignment medical assessments, and has collection sites trained in Breath Alcohol Testing. If the Breath Alcohol Test is positive, a secondary Breath Alcohol Test is completed to confirm the test result.
Lifemark is able to provide a Position Demands Analysis (PDA) and/or Job Demands Analysis (JDA) for employers in order to assist in informing the recruitment process. This includes an assessment of the environment, observation of staff members performing daily tasks, and the development of a report outlining the position’s requirements. Once complete, a Functional Abilities Recruitment Evaluation (FARE) is developed and a clinical recreation of the various tasks identified in the PDA/JDA is conducted with pre-placement candidates. This testing determines whether candidates are capable of meeting the standards required of the position.
Lifemark is able to test and evaluate results with physicians for a Pulmonary Functional Test / Spirometry, Audiometric Test, and Vision Test using specialized equipment in order to determine any limitations in relation to a candidate’s respiratory fitness, hearing or eyesight.

For employers requiring employees to have respiratory medical clearance for positions working in silica, asbestos, or confined space environments, or requiring the use of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), chest X-rays can be coordinated by Lifemark. These X-rays are often dependent on the work the potential employee will perform, and typically used as a base-line measure. ECGs are also administered to check on the health of the heart and for cardiovascular issues or concerns. In positions that are safety-critical or have a high level of physical activity or stress, ECGs are often ordered to ensure fitness for work. Our physicians will in review all test results to make a determination on fitness while also considering the candidate’s medical history and job demands.
Lifemark is able to provide a medical questionnaire in order to better understand a candidate’s physical limitations. This questionnaire, which can be customized for specific workplace hazards or environments, includes questions relating to vertigo, asthma, claustrophobia, cardiovascular anxiety and acrophobia. The Lifemark nurse and/or physician will review this questionnaire in more detail against the job requirements during assessment and in making fitness to work determinations.
Lifemark’s comprehensive Pre-employment testing gives employers peace of mind when making hiring decisions, and helps to make work environments as safe as possible for both the employee and the employer.